
ChainUp Custody WAPI

Welcome to the ChainUp Custody platform. This document is used by the third-party technical team to add the self-developed mainchain to the ChainUp Custody for alliance members.

Note: When third-party technical team using WAPI to access the the server and keeping private keys, ChainUp Custody is not responsible for the security of assets. Therefore, the third-party technical team must establish a complete wallet private key custody system and API private key custody system

Getting Started

Development Notes

The Role of Public and Private Keys

Party A is a third-party public chain docking party

Party B is the ChainUp Custody BaaS Cloud

The Role of Public and Private Keys: Party A needs to generate a pair of public and private keys in advance when registering the WAPI interface. The public key (rsa_third_pub) is provided to Party B. The private key is kept by yourself, and the private key is not disclosed to anyone. When requesting WAPI services, Party A shall encrypt the request parameters with Party B’s public key and sign the original data after MD5 with Party A’s private key. Upon receiving the request, Party B shall decrypt the data with Party B’s private key and check the original data after MD5 with Party A’s public key

Account Preparation

Developers need to prepare the following information:

1)Generate a pair of public and private keys, and provide the public key to the platform;

2)Third-party application server IP;

Contact the relevant people of the platform and provide the above two types of information. The platform prepares WAPI docking information for you, and provides you with the following information:

1)The unique identifier for third-party docking: app_id;

2)WAPI public key:rsa_wapi_pub。

RSA public and private key generation address:


Password length:2048

Key format:PKCS#8

Interface rules

Transmission method: https (the test environment temporarily uses http)
Signature Field: Except for the sign field, all other required fields need to be signed
The response status code: 0indicating successful processing; non-zero, indicating request error or system abnormality
Request Address: domain name + interface address
Encryption Algorithm: Java Encryption and Decryption Demo:https://github.com/HiCoinCom/WAPIDemo.git

Domain Name and API Key

Production Environment

Domain Name: https://baas.waas.group
app_id: To be assigned
rsa_wallet_pub: To be allocated

Test environment

Domain Name: http://baas.dw2nn.com
app_id: 8ee3794a7e5bd188c6af4fd7dda191f3
rsa_third_pub refer to the code
rsa_third_prv refer to the code
rsa_baas_pub refer to the code






Type Token Name Accuracy
memo SRM 8 decimals
non-memo VLX 8 decimals

Note: rsa_third_prv is a third-party application private key, which is mainly used to encrypt request parameters. If it is a production environment, rsa_third_prv is generated by the developer, and then the corresponding public key is provided to the platform. In order to simplify the developer connection process in the test environment, a set of third-party public and private keys and token names are directly provided here for developers to quickly connect.

Docking Solutions

In order to allow public chain developers to access the ChainUp Custody more conveniently and quickly, we provide BaaS services to meet the public chain docking needs. Based on the docking experience of past customers, the platform has sorted out a set of docking solutions. details as follows:

The whole Process is divided into three steps:

  1. Register A Deposit Address
  2. Make Deposits
  3. Make Withdrawals

The overall docking process is as follows

Register Deposit Address

1)The number of available addresses can be queried by currency name. Note: (A maximum of 100addresses per push to Custody, with each push checking that the number of addresses remaining available to Custody is greater than 5,000 and disallowing registration if 5,000 addresses are not being used. Interface address: /api/v1/address/available)

2)Push the currency name and address list to the BaaS platform, after the response is successful, and the representative registered address is successful (interface address:/api/v1/address/register) Note: If the type of registered currency is memo, the same address Only one registration is allowed.。


1)The third-party wallet detects that the address has a deposit transaction, initiates a deposit notification, and informs the BaaS system (interface address: /api/v1/deposit/notify)

2)BaaS returns the notification result


1)The user initiates a withdrawal request in the Custody system

2)Main chain developers pull the list of withdrawals (interface address:/api/v1/withdraw/consume)

3)After the chain is successfully connected, BaaS will be notified of the withdrawal result, and the BaaS interface will respond (interface address: /api/v1/withdraw/notify)

Note: In case of special circumstances, the withdrawal request can be withdrawn and a notification will be pushed to the BaaS interface (interface address: /api/v1/withdraw/cancel)


To meet the diverse business needs of our customers, ChainUp Custody supports two docking methods: SDK and API;

SDK:Support for Java and node

Java SDK addressGitHub - HiCoinCom/java-wapi-sdk: bass wapi java sdk

Node SDK addressGitHub - HiCoinCom/js-wapi-sdk: chainup wapi sdk

API List


Request Example

POST /api/v1/address/available


    "app_id": "8ee3794a7e5bd188c6af4fd7dda191f3",
    "time": 1616539980,
    "sign": "qVQZ0W1vl6Mh4wMadMHR1XM8N-ZD9xlQhhiIrPlbmmyoDDAgxqwYbtFZBAvPswX4t_6N46ZOFcGuH2K6abiqpl4FtizBkbC3MUlZ6LYU4EPtay_nh6wF97L5jrs7-Qjw5SrFsHTDY4j7mKUXOPrQWrSYAU6QQy6NHjNHazjo592HbG-Cbso_wDOwRDMsLtc4cj6ZxYwjXwYlpkMTK-l_J1iHE16YTI3WyH0fSvNXc3423h5rbJ8UyFPfHLVO433yMnsoexj1KG1oLKlAlrv-t8sIw1A-KBSFTs0o6wuqpBNSLGvH0vh-iAtBJarhcaxdfZG1L8XnYDUAlgKHNzECAW",
    "data": "wYEom2ihnpZRcI0PeJKCwkwUcN_SZzWDm-QhIiScBVahdMATenUe8ssVqqouTp4PBEStDi3tsUAHnBXLEFFeLDugqrffhQTLKYB2sN3stxOAP_9PO6ucUI-ck_eOzuOVq4ZXTxfdX6csf2o1yyZwtozcfik7ViL49ctTO2yjAdtO17BuAzdxSvyCm_ZyI0EANNglR029b4_TyrhT9gSmIeVT5Is_JJNaifoTmpWz0aB5LvjxojBjsMupExb3dXV9uykNybgjakbTZPwOx-ycZZrGvk8nLxWSaCTajAA3K_Kb4Wj40hn_XRH0X-_37MaxJKK-672wr7Ce94aY2UCiQQ", "sign": "siGNQawtTmtEAj3C56tNSV_mOuMYzG_SYxIwaT0LlU-68_VVKRCS22b8mNykOmDs2zJh9PTl9Bzs-8Eo10rAivVajcBWBp6qw3RKimOURbYOL_EKYrbZyuJH84YoavCtm_r-pI16L3EsUFdzuyqRnSutRyuK15EKnxn4aYUbFa2oBMC9jK7sdONLx3KwQ8oolvOjQSrAFjhuL9rxxc5v-EXUDoamchH2NfF5-oYrNSkrMWpw01B9hU0AUSYktPeTuqWKCt3_sEEH8jYvx7N3joG-lHq6JlYIgC7HBMlFh_ZKfvE0dMCS4wT2-unejSrudM9kG9GgkiCSEp_jD0PacQ"

Request Parameters:

Param Type Required Description
app_id string Yes Customer ID
time int64 Yes Timestamp
sign string Yes Use Party A’s private key to sign the plaintext MD5 of the requested data
data string Yes Use Party B’s public key to encrypt the requested data

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": "tBosL74tKsUMckzB0320OjvqJvjHip77PS-mz_BZ-xsKO5MVzPz-adw94NUZ_8FtdYSDTsnM6ZtiL3e7T-2c2U5fvc7QTMVoJfv6SPJOmk0yRz8qBvMfgUKdjwEkpZJyCRYtmdp9sSJsbtI_Ygkr0i4KtaxMA_yskkAXODJ0aewcT7_uS9OHn8pExoNXpQ-XEbHbrK-QF8Sl4BcWQXZ2YdsF4z8T4Q3hQcSG3AyLOb4z3YIU6ZyjMok7ZsWyYoiHpMjD9eXfIfgDYUOxdocbNCjqAx6EPrueupLtUXqjCDqUEuXP3jXLJ97c9rluiNhc3XVdvrCK0lEzxoLL44yWRHDUTCpPARSemsHWy9XOiAdWlS8SaQKUS-iprfKi9e6kUDSHYFSEoZSo44Vktv8AGmHod5IGwGLBtu1fIaTuun8ahRHSVyLoJf11rSgfAkIWDUnC-Fiilk0O0pw-5q0HQkhihYYx4TEr-JWV_Y080YGkBI-NQ4RILpIKr0r292BrR4GLsYWzxieOURXrbmx7NKCaD0JmERrUbV0rbUs0rvJRj6T-5MIW6FD7oFGhXbViuTAxyqtUNvatbDEGRXbnoUTC_Jv0TX9LM0S9coT0ozYLn_2L9psdUdNGPPGkd6d3KzFxxy_m_h3l4MHinEpFvVewBJeZP7q5Z5rNhzSmxtc",
    "sign": "jJr0UmgMHPesDNfe4kw8KYR3zSDzBmoRlJ6O979tgdLx5JydY6jNMYrzWEn4sqqy4p6niw7HEnbOrgtSGBr4BtgoGpzaqs4hslADUGfDpn8FPO4Cb6DW09yMsQZVMp7m9NIybgVwPiro7fMDOxOlSA5M5Bzxth7UNIVwgtEEZCoS0pi1Elsl6xASc9N8VR5gkh55B9zt_NbOOQ_nN-p7s1_JwOFY4qXtfYDrAjjawpTdprvThfRYoX_Lm-YpoWQeED80yFMOOUbrl9SUG-j8opVlSX53IwvQbVvwPI2gnZIBJBfUYgICP6ffQZRulP1WllYwaWYLKUdamyyYAZgQIQ"

Response Parameters

Param Type Required Description
code int Yes Status code
msg string Yes Status information
data string Yes Use Party A’s public key to encrypt the returned data
sign string Yes Use Party B’s private key to sign the return data plaintext MD5

Register Address

Push address to the platform, this address is used to assign to users

HTTP Request


Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Token name
addresses string Yes Address list (can be separated by commas, up to 100 at a time)
memo bool Yes Whether it is memo type

Decrypted Response Data Parameters


Available Address

Number of addresses that are available in the pushed addresses

HTTP Request


Please Note:

It is recommended that the script monitor the available quantity.

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Token Name



Decrypted Response Data Parameters

Param Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Token Name
count int Yes Number of addresses available

Deposit Notification

Deposit notification call interface

HTTP Request


Please note:

  1. For the same txid, different addresses, separate notifications

  2. For the same txid, the same address, and the amount of notification will be cumulative

  3. For the same deposit, please make sure that the request_id remains the same, otherwise it will cause repeated payments

  4. After request decryption, request_id will be included

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
request_id string Yes Unique identifier for a single request
address_from string No from address
address_to string Yes to address
txid string Yes Transaction ID
amount decimal Yes Amount
confirm int Yes Confirmation number
symbol string Yes Token name
balance decimal Yes Hot wallet balance
status int Yes 1 =success; 0 = failure
memo string No memo ID



Decrypted Response Data Parameters

Param Type Required Description
data object Yes
└─request_id string Yes Unique identifier for a single request


Withdrawal Interface

HTTP Request


Please Note:

This interface can return the latest 20 data at most at a time.

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Token Name



Decrypted Response Data Parameters

Param Type Required Description
trans_id string Yes Withdrawal ID
symbol string Yes Token name
address_to string Yes Withdrawal to account address
amount decimal Yes Withdrawal Amount
memo string No Withdraw memo

Withdrawal Notification

Call interface for withdrawal notification

HTTP Request


Please note:

  1. The same txid, different addresses, separate notifications

  2. The same txid, the same address, and the amount of notification will be cumulative

  3. For the same deposte, please make sure that the request_id remains the same, otherwise it will cause repeated payments

  4. After request decryption, request_id will be included

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
address_from string No from address
address_to string Yes to address
txid string Yes Transaction ID
trans_id int Yes Withdrawal ID
amount decimal Yes Amount
fee decimal Yes Real miner fees
confirm int Yes Confirm the number. When the confirm passes 0, the status of the withdrawal record will be changed to “Paying”, and the withdrawal record will not be repeatedly obtained through the /api/v1/withdraw/consume interface
symbol string Yes Token Name
balance decimal Yes Hot Wallet Balance
memo string No to address memo ID

Decrypted Response Data Parameters


Internal Notification

Internal Notification Interface

HTTP Request


Please note:

This interface is called during transactions that consume miner fees except for cash withdrawal, mainly for deduction of miner fees, such as collection, transfer to cold wallet, etc.

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
address_from string No from address
address_to string Yes to address
txid string Yes Transaction ID
amount decimal Yes Amount
fee decimal Yes Real miner fees
confirm int Yes Confirmation Number
symbol string Yes Token Name
balance decimal Yes Hot wallet balance
memo string No to address memo ID

Decrypted Response Data Parameters


Callback Withdrawals Interface

To callback withdrawals.

HTTP Request


Please note:

Called when the withdrawal information is abnormal (address error, token error) and need to be called back.

Decrypted Request Parameters

Param Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Token Name
trans_id int64 Yes Withdrawal ID
msg string Yes Call back reason

Decrypted Response Data Parameters


Error Code

code msg
0 success
100001 json decode error
100002 system error
100003 appid not register
100004 publicKey decode error
100005 appid already exist
100006 decode publicKey error
100007 privkey decode error
100008 verify signature error
100009 appid does not match symbol
1000010 address length exceeds 100
1000011 deposit notify fail
1000012 request_id txid not match
1000013 privkey hash not match
1000014 only one address is allowed
1000015 add token address is not allowed
1000016 address exceeds length
1000017 address not exists
1000018 finance notify error
1000019 appid is disabled